Nickname: Simpson, Magna Sharta, Homie Winslow Homer

Voice Part: All–but mostly T1/T2

Major: Sh*thole

Favorite Drink: That Natty Light you found lying on the grass (he forgot it was there)

Places in Octet History: Sing-Ins 2019, Yankees Game 2019, Pub Crawl 2020, The Oc-COVID Hiatus

Likes: Will’s sister’s boyfriend, Saving old IDs, Chaotic good, Bros, Saving the world, Poop, Shaky hands, Lee High school lacrosse, Sentimentality, Crying with Emaun

Dislikes: Basketball, His freshman speech, Alcohol tolerance, Looking like his age, Remembering his night

Homer will serve as Business Manager for 2020 – 2021.