Nickname: Olly Olly Oxen Free, MD Ut Primum, I Hardly Know Her!

Voice Part: Tenor 2, Baritenor

Major: Meters and Miles, minor in Sarcasm

Favorite Drink: Starbucks decaf

Places in Octet History: Sing-Ins 2019, Yankees Game 2019, Pub Crawl 2020, The Oc-COVID Hiatus

Likes: Flirting with the crowd, Oatmeal, The Springstreeters, Love In This Club, Perceived authority, Unwanted harmonies, Bullying everyone, Solos, Choir

Dislikes: Peter’s arrangements, Vaseline, Warm-ups, Falsettos, Singing softly

Oliver will serve as Assistant to the Music Director for 2020 – 2021.